Power is still mainly generatedusing conventional power plants. While plans to phase out coal-fired power generation have long since been in place, smooth production processes in power plants will still be a decisive factor if power is to be generated nationwide for many years to come. In addition to safety in the mining process, in this situation plant maintenance is the most important criterion when it comes to preventing spectacular financial losses should an operational failure occur. As it’s an expert in visual process observation, PIEPER ensures that all the transport routes within the power plant are both safe and clearly managed and guarantees that regular plant maintenance and servicing are scheduled soundly.
Detailed evaluation of the data collected about the likes of deposits, corrosion or the threat of impurities through process observation prevents unscheduled downtimes and helps the operator to maintain a modern and efficient production chain that is stable in the long term.
From coal to electricity
Safety comes first – and this also rings true when preventing fire sources during energy generation. Coal being transported to the incinerator on conveyor belts is just one example of the high potential risks encountered in power plants.
Undetected hot spots in highly flammable areas such as chutes, crushers or silos quickly lead to fires that could bring the power plant and thus the power supply to a complete standstill. In creating its smart early fire detection systems, PIEPER is providing solutions that are tailored specifically to power plants and considerably minimize minimize the risks of fire by using thermal cameras to precisely observe temperature in critical areas and monitoring flame patterns in combustion chambers with full HD cameras. This means that specific hazard situations can be immediately assessed in detail and mitigated. Appropriate analysis and video management software rounds off the integrative security system and thus ensures the highest level of protection possible against unplanned, costly downtimes.
The resulting steam is now passed through a turbine, where it releases some of its energy. The turbine is set in motion and the mechanical power generated drives a generator, which finally produces electricity.
The cooled water vapour is fed to a condenser where it is converted back into water. This is again fed to the pipe system of the combustion chamber and the cycle is thus closed.
The integrative security system is rounded off by suitable analysis and video management software, thus ensuring the greatest possible protection against unplanned, cost-intensive failures through intelligent, networked process monitoring.
In addition, undetected pockets of embers in highly flammable areas pose a further safety risk and can quickly lead to fires. In order to save the power plant and thus the power supply from coming to a standstill, early smoke detection is essential. Conventional fire detectors, however, often fail to recognise a potential fire source in time or issue false alarms. PIEPER provides a highly accurate solution for this challenge that can be integrated into existing plants and quickly detects dangers even from a great distance with its video-based early fire detection.
Precise observation of critical areas by means of Thermovision achieves further added value for safe and efficient power plant operation through the permanent transmission of thermal images: In addition to the immediate detection of unusual temperature fluctuations in the production process, an incipient fire development is also immediately recognised and reported to the connected control system. Concrete hazardous situations, for example in the coal bunker, in the coal conveyor system or in cable ducts, can thus be assessed and contained immediately.
Seamless surveillance thanks toCCTV systems and smoke detection
High-resolution CCTV systems and intelligent smoke detection precisely record all process steps and potential sources of danger in the coal-fired power plant, ensuring an efficient and stable production chain. Comprehensive process monitoring is particularly important in high-temperature environments, as these areas are usually difficult to control. Special furnace cameras and furnace probes from PIEPER provide a remedy precisely here. Protected by special protective housings, they offer an all-round view of everything that happens inside and immediately outside a firing camera. An integrated cooling system protects the sensitive hardware from dust, fire and high heat. Even at temperatures of up to 2,400 °C, a razor-sharp camera image is guaranteed - even under difficult lighting conditions.
Protected on all accounts by high definition CCTV systems
As an experienced expert in video-based process monitoring systems and smoke detection to prevent fires in industry PIEPER ensures both the control and safety of all transport routes within the power plant as well as the sound planning of regular maintenance and servicing of the plants.
A detailed evaluation of the data collected via process monitoring by CCTV systems (for example about deposits, corrosion or impending contamination) avoids unplanned downtimes due to undetected irregularities and helps operators to achieve a modern, efficient and sustainably stable production chain. The PIEPER safety systems are customised and can be integrated into existing systems as a supplement. In this way, all production steps are recorded quickly, easily and precisely.